The Allegro UVA is based on years of research and science.
J.Protect is certified as risk free under the international photo-biological safety standard. With correct
installation a 24 hour long exposure is equivalent to a minute of sunlight and completely safe.
WBlue light hazard is also reduced due to Juganu’s proprietary light mix technology.
Photo-biological Safety – IEC 62471
The Allegro creates an ultra wide light spectrum which includes advanced lighting as well as disinfection. White light tunability allows accurate reproduction of natural sun light to help regulate patient sleep and hunger cycles or keep staff alert during night shift. Vitality specifically chose Juganu for this purpose. To find a UVA light that mixes white light at the same time sets our Allegro apart from the competition.
Mode 2 is for the Presto, when UVC is enabled

Tel-Aviv Medical Center
The Sourasky Medical Center uses J. Protect to disinfect surfaces in multiple CT and ultrasound rooms, between patient occupancies. This also provides healthcare professionals a simple, user-friendly solution while reducing the costly labor time and safety concerns that come with more manual processes such as chemical disinfection.
“The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has been a tremendous concern for our facility and hospitals around the world – especially when it comes to HCAIs, which are already incredibly challenging,” said Prof. Arye Blachar, Head of the Imaging Division at Sourasky Medical Center. “Solutions like Juganu’s light technology give us hope that we can overcome these challenges, and most importantly, keep our patients and staff as safe as possible while inside of our facility.”